
Loqate Address Verification

Address verification powered by the most accurate global location data. Deliver exceptional experiences to every customer, wherever they are located.

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Address verification powered by the most accurate global location data. Deliver exceptional experiences to every customer, wherever they are located.


Address Capture

A quicker, easier way to capture and validate addresses in your online checkouts and forms.

Address Verification

Our address verification engine is capable of processing millions of records per hour. You’ll see an indication of the validity of each address value included in the input address, reducing costly errors. This solution can validate both partial and full address inputs.

Email Verification

Improve the quality of the data you capture by integrating email verification tool. Work towards reducing email bounce rates and improve data quality with email address checking.

Phone Number Verification

Avoid wasting resources by checking cell and landline phone numbers are valid before you get in touch. Increase your shipments on time delivery rate by requiring customers to provide a valid phone number

